What if statements and anxiety love to hang with each other!
What if I don’t pass the class?
What if I am late for work?
What if I am not good enough?
When we have anxiety we want to control our environment. We need to know what the next step will be and the outcome. And this can be a vicious cycle.
When we ask What if? it can be help us with decisions but when we are always asking this can lead to chronic worrying and anxiety. It starts becoming a problem when it pops up for every decision that we are trying to make.
When we start questioning every decision that we make or predicting the outcome of a future event this can lead us to doubt ourselves, give low confidence, strain relationships and put stress on our physical body since most of the outcomes are "worst case scenerios".
When I was always questioning the future decision or worried about them I didn't correlate this to anxiety. In my mind, anxiety came with panic attacks which I didn't have.
When I was able to live in the present moment, not think about things that could go wrong I had more confidence, gratitude and peace.
There are some things that you can do to help yourself with decisions and future events.
Think about your "what if" and ask yourself if this is unrealistic
Take steps to help yourself so "what if" won't happen. If you have a fear of being late for work make sure you are leaving a little earlier for work.
